
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Perfume x SCANDAL

 In today's, 16th Desember, new addition of a TV information magazine, TV Bros., a full 4 pages article of special talk between Perfume and SCANDAL is inserted.

These girls become friends at NHK's Music Japan, where Perfume were the MC and SCANDAL were the performer. This time, they prepared a big Jenga for this talk. At each block, a topic is written and the talk starts from there.

Using the Jenga blocks, the girls answered each questions that came up, some of them are "If Perfume were a band, what part do you want to choose?", "If Perfume and SCANDAL were merged, what name would you give to the new merged group?". And also, SCANDAL's TOMOMI is talking about her high school days where she made her own Perfume-copy group during physical education class. With those two groups together, this one will be a very unique episode.

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